Malli Gupta, whose beat is food, profiles Rick Nichols, the venerable food columnist for the Philadelphia Inquirer.
Clair Mullaney completes her work on health issues with a portrait of a Bryn Mawr student who has had to wrestle with anorexia most of her life.
Harper Hubbeling, whose beat is science, takes a look at Bryn Mawr professors who live at the intersection of faith and science.
Kaori Hatama, who covers international students, has a series of mini-profiles detailing how Asian-American students come to grips with their dual identities.
Mriganka Lulla, who covers fashion, has a narrative profile of Lamees Tanveer, a classmate who is a shopping maven.
Rachel Park, who also works the fashion beat, gives us the definitive guide to being a hispter.