By Rachel Park
It is a pure, unadulterated, no-way-around-it fact: hipsters are ubiquitous in the City of Brotherly Love. They can be seen toting a messenger bag, either on foot or on a fixed-gear bike – never in a car. Their penchant for flannel and skinny jeans is irrefutable. Associated with young 20- to 30-year-olds, hipsterism is an amalgam of fashion, music, and artistic tastes that do not follow the norm.
According to Dana Rich, a student at Philadelphia University, the ratio of hipsters per square mile appears unusually high because Center City and environs is so small.
“Everyone’s connected,” Rich, 21, said. “It seems there are so many because you are basically one degree separated from someone; it’s not even six degrees.”
The many art schools is also a factor. “Hipsters are related to the art type,” said Rich. “They]want to be different from other people.”
Characterizing hipsterism is not difficult. In fact, it can be whittled down to six degrees.
The First Degree: Skinny Jeans
Hipsters own many skinny jeans. It seems nearly impossible to envision a hipster not wearing a pair. Jog one’s memory back to high school and one may recall the goth kids wearing black clothing with chains hanging from their Continue reading